general headquarters 【軍事】野戰總司令部。
【軍事】野戰總司令部。 “general“ 中文翻譯: adj. (opp. special) 1.一般的,綜合 ...“headquarters“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔sing., pl.〕 1.指揮部,司令部,大本 ...“general headquarters of the red army“ 中文翻譯: 紅軍總司令部“headquarters general service section“ 中文翻譯: 總部一般事務人員科“headquarters of the general staff“ 中文翻譯: 總參謀部“inspector general to army headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 陸軍總部總督察“inspector-general to army headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 陸軍總部總督察“the headquarters of the general staff“ 中文翻譯: 總參謀部“headquarters“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔sing., pl.〕 1.指揮部,司令部,大本營。 2.總署;總局;總店。 3.當局。 “administration headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 行政總部“air headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 空軍司令部“ais headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 航行情報服務總部“allied headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 盟軍司令部“applying to the headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 向總部申請“army headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 集團軍司令部; 軍部; 陸軍總部“association headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 協會本部“base headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 基地司令部“battalion headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 營部“battle headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 指揮所“bombard the headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 炮打司令部――我的一張大字報“central headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 中央總部“cia headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 中央情報局總部“construction headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 工程指揮部“economy in headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 總部經濟“established headquarters“ 中文翻譯: 固定總部
“ we , acting by command of and on behalf of the emperor of japan , the japanese government and the japanese imperial general headquarters , hereby accept the provisions in the declaration issued by the heads of the governments of the united states , china , and great britain 26 july 1945 at potsdam , and subsequently to by the union of soviet socialist republics , which four powers are hereafter referred to as the allied powers 我們,謹代表日本天皇、日本政府及日本皇軍總將,茲此接受一九四五年七月廿六日由美利堅合眾國政府、中國政府及大不列顛政府于波茨坦協議所擬訂的四個條款,和及后由蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯邦提出的附款,上述四強下稱為同盟國。 |
The most common solution includes “ the centralized management scheme of general headquarters “ , “ general headquarters office warehouse , manage scheme “ , “ general headquarters , office warehouse shop manage scheme “ , “ group general headquarters branch company office warehouse shop manage scheme “ 最常見的解決方案包括“總部集中管理方案” “總部辦事處倉庫管理方案” “總部辦事處倉庫店鋪管理方案” “集團總部分公司辦事處倉庫店鋪管理方案”等。 |
“ we hereby command the japanese imperial government and the japanese imperial general headquarters at once to liberate all allied prisoners of war and civilian internees now under japanese control and to provide for their protection , care , maintenance , and immediate transportation to places as directed 我們茲此命令日本政府及日本皇軍將領總部立即釋放由日本國拘留的所有盟軍戰俘及本國的離心分子,并給予他們提供保護、醫護,照料及直接咚橢(盟軍)指定的地點。 |
“ we hereby command the japanese imperial general headquarters to issue at once orders to the commanders of all japanese forces and all forces under japanese control wherever situated to surrender unconditionally themselves and all forces under their control 我們茲此命令日本皇軍將領總部立即向日本陸軍部隊以及所有日本轄下地區的武裝部隊的各司令官指令(他們)必須自發性無條件地投降,確保所有部隊受他們監管。 |
“ we hereby proclaim the unconditional surrender to the allied powers of the japanese imperial general headquarters and of all japanese armed forces and all armed forces under japanese control wherever situated 我們茲此宣布日本皇軍總將,所有日本陸軍部隊以及所有日本轄下地區的武裝部隊向同盟國無條件投降。 |
general hospital |
In addition , the general headquarters / departments organized successive studies and exercises of communications and command at the joint operational level , training of landing and mountain operations , and research on methods of joint penetration operations , and explored the features and patterns of integrated network and electronic warfare 總部機關還相繼組織了聯合戰役通訊指揮研練、登陸和山地作戰訓練以及聯合突防戰法研討,并探索了網電一體戰的特點和作戰樣式。 |
The system integrated business and functions of management of each marketing link , supplier purchases , mend goods , mix goods , logistics , storage , authorize for dispatch , retail , account close , decision support , etc . and helped enterprises to realize the integrated information management of their general headquarters , branch , shop , supplier , distributor , customer 系統集成了供應商采購訂補貨配貨物流倉儲批發零售帳務結算決策支持等各個營銷環節的業務和管理功能,幫助企業實現其總部分支機構店鋪供應商經銷商顧客的一體化信息管理。 |
“ we , acting by command of and on behalf of the emperor of japan , the japanese government and the japanese imperial general headquarters , hereby accept the provisions in the declaration issued by the heads of the governments of the united states , china , and great britain 26 july 1945 at potsdam , and subsequently to by the union of soviet socialist republics , which four powers are hereafter referred to as the allied powers 我們,謹代表日本天皇、日本政府及日本皇軍總將,茲此接受一九四五年七月廿六日由美利堅合眾國政府、中國政府及大不列顛政府于波茨坦協議所擬訂的四個條款,和及后由蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯邦提出的附款,上述四強下稱為同盟國。 |
Along with the growth of the building industry for lease , the progress of the mechanical equipment management is not the same with it . the traditional methods - keeping business records manually , lease ( giving back ) records , calculating rent charge sum , counting rent things , ca n ' t meet the needs of the develop of business . the general headquarters of the company can only exchange information with their branches through telephone , fax or post 隨著建筑租賃業的發展,其機械設備管理并沒有得到同步發展,傳統的方法? ?采用手工記帳、出租(歸還)登記、計算租費金額以及統計出租情況,已完全不能滿足企業業務發展的需要,加之公司總部同地處異地的分公司信息交流只能通過電話、傳真或郵寄等方式進行,無法及時準確地了解分公司的業務情況,有的建筑設備租賃公司已開始使用設備管理軟件,但也只是剛剛起步,還存在許多問題。 |
The commodity economy was developed until today , and the initiative of the market has already been transfered from enterprises to consumer s hands . the convergence of the enterprise and products enabled competition to become fiercer . in the face of numerous units by supplier , manufacturer , general headquarters , branch company , office , warehouse , shop , distributor , customer that the products contact , the traditional form of operation and administration of enterprises faces the challenge 商品經濟發展到今天,市場的主動權已從企業轉移到消費者手中,企業和產品的趨同使競爭日趨激烈,面對由產品串聯的供應商生產商公司總部分公司辦事處倉店鋪經銷商顧客眾多單元,企業傳統的經營管理方式面臨挑戰。 |
To participate in disaster relief work , the general headquarters / departments , military area commands , provincial military commands and lower - level commands have all assigned personnel to the national and local rescue and relief command organs , to coordinate the command relationship between the military and local governments , formulate rescue and relief measures , establish disaster situation reporting systems , manage relief assets , and implement organization and coordination of disaster relief in a flexible , rapid , efficient and accurate way 為了便于參加救災行動,軍隊總部機關、軍區、省軍區、軍分區都派出人員參加國家和地方搶險救災指揮機構的工作,協調軍地指揮關系,制定減災救災措施,建立災情通報制度,統籌救災器材物資,并遵循靈活、快速、高效、無誤的原則,實施組織協調工作。 |
The most common solution includes “ the centralized management scheme of general headquarters “ , “ general headquarters office warehouse , manage scheme “ , “ general headquarters , office warehouse shop manage scheme “ , “ group general headquarters branch company office warehouse shop manage scheme “ 最常見的解決方案包括“總部集中管理方案” “總部辦事處倉庫管理方案” “總部辦事處倉庫店鋪管理方案” “集團總部分公司辦事處倉庫店鋪管理方案”等。 |
“ we hereby command the japanese imperial government and the japanese imperial general headquarters at once to liberate all allied prisoners of war and civilian internees now under japanese control and to provide for their protection , care , maintenance , and immediate transportation to places as directed 我們茲此命令日本政府及日本皇軍將領總部立即釋放由日本國拘留的所有盟軍戰俘及本國的離心分子,并給予他們提供保護、醫護,照料及直接咚橢(盟軍)指定的地點。 |
To such centralized management as general headquarters , branch company , office , agent , warehouse , shop , shop allied , manufacturer , supplier etc . , and include the sale and stock of the whole system in the overall planning , and really give play to the advantage that the chain runs 對總部分公司辦事處代理商倉庫直營店加盟店制造商供應商等集中管理,將全系統的銷售和庫存納入統籌規劃,真正發揮連鎖運營的優勢。 |
“ we hereby command the japanese imperial general headquarters to issue at once orders to the commanders of all japanese forces and all forces under japanese control wherever situated to surrender unconditionally themselves and all forces under their control 我們茲此命令日本皇軍將領總部立即向日本陸軍部隊以及所有日本轄下地區的武裝部隊的各司令官指令(他們)必須自發性無條件地投降,確保所有部隊受他們監管。 |
Shenzhen shuyan general headquarters of dress co . , ltd . are located in the beautiful special economic zone of china of garden city - shenzhen , lying in the area of nanyoucentre , the geographical position is superior , easily accessible , the information is swift 深圳市舒燕服飾有限公司總部坐落在美麗的花園城市中國經濟特區深圳,位于南油中心地帶,地理位置優越,交通便利,信息快捷。 |
Fully relied on internet s media , it realizes enterprise general headquarters , retail trader , agent , monopolized shop , shop allied use together one information mutual and the sharing platform under different authority 充分依托互聯網媒介實現企業總部分銷商代理商專賣店加盟店等在不同權限下共同使用的一個信息交互和共享平臺。 |
“ we hereby proclaim the unconditional surrender to the allied powers of the japanese imperial general headquarters and of all japanese armed forces and all armed forces under japanese control wherever situated 我們茲此宣布日本皇軍總將,所有日本陸軍部隊以及所有日本轄下地區的武裝部隊向同盟國無條件投降。 |
Musharraf will be driven to the army ' s general headquarters to hand over his position as head of the military to his heir apparent , former spy chief general ashfaq kiyani 穆沙拉夫將在陸軍總部將軍權移交給巴基斯坦軍方第二號人物、前情報部門最高將領阿什法克?基亞尼將軍。 |